Hamed Hojatian

Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering

Research Engineer @ Huawei

IEEE journals reviewer for JSAC, TWC, TCOM, WCL, CL, and TVT.


What I am all about.

I am a research engineer at Huawei Advance Wireless Research LAB in Kanata, ON, CA. I obtained my B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Babol Noshirvani University of Technology (BNUT), Babol, Iran, in 2014, and later earned an M.Sc. degree in wireless communication systems engineering from the Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran, in 2017. In 2023, I successfully completed my Ph.D. with the Department of Electrical Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada. I have practical experience in 3G and LTE RAN planning and optimization. My current research pursuits encompass applied ML/AI in wireless communications, ISAC, massive MIMO communication systems, signal processing, and optimization.



Accepted paper in journal IEEE TMLCN

Montreal, QC, CA

Our paper with title " Learning Energy-Efficient Transmitter Configurations for Massive MIMO Beamforming " is accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking.


Accepted paper in IEEE GlobeCom 2022

Montreal, QC, CA

Our paper with title " Flexible Unsupervised Learning for Massive MIMO Subarray Hybrid Beamforming " is accepted for IEEE GlobeCom 2022.


Accepted paper in IEEE Communications Letters

Montreal, QC, CA

The paper we submitted to IEEE Communications Letters has been accepted for publication. The simulation source code is avaible here.


Accepted paper in IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications

Montreal, QC, CA

A paper that we submitted to the IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications has been accepted for publication. The simulation source code is avaible here.


Wireless communications

Deep learning

Signal processing

Massive MIMO

Integrated Sensing and Communications


2019 – 2023

Polytechnique Montréal affiliate with University dé Montréal (UdM)

Doctor of Philosophy

Montreal, QC, CA

Designing hybrid beamforming techniques for wireless networks, including an innovative RSSI-based hybrid beamforming design that leverages deep learning algorithms to enhance spectral and energy efficiency; Developing unsupervised learning techniques for intelligent beamforming and coordinated hybrid beam- forming in cell-free massive MIMO systems; Exploring subarray hybrid beamforming and efficient hardware design driven by unsupervised learning techniques, to reduce the complexity of wireless communication systems;

2014 – 2017

Isfahan University of Technology (IUT)

Master of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Isfahan, Iran

My master's thesis focused on the synchronization of time and frequency in a massive MIMO multiuser system uplink with frequency errors. Considering carrier frequency offset (CFO) and ICI in OFDM systems, I developed a method for jointly estimating the channel and CFO. My research has been extended to the design of a low-complexity receiver capable of compensating for CFOs and detecting symbols. As a result of my thesis, a paper was published in an IEEE conference.

2010 – 2014

Babol Noshirvani University of Technology (BNUT)


Bachelor of Electrical and Computer Science

Babol, Iran

My thesis focused on the simulation of OFDM and OFDMA multi-user transmitters and receivers. Simulations were conducted in MATLAB.


2023 – Now


Research Engineer

Ottawa, ON, CA

I am currently working as a Research Engineer at Huawei, focusing on the PHY Layer, where I apply AI/ML techniques to advance 6G technology.

2022 – 2023


Research Intern

Montreal, QC, CA

Contributing to a project focused on enhancing energy efficiency within the Ericsson - Global Artificial Intelligence Accelerator (GAIA) framework. My role involved developing and implementing strategies to optimize energy consumption of massive MIMO system using ML/AI techniques. This collaborative effort with a multidisciplinary team resulted in significant achievements, including first inventor of a US patent and the publication of a journal paper.

2018 – 2019

Polytechnique Montréal affiliate University dé Montréal (UdM)

Research Associate

Montreal, QC, CA

Prior to becoming a PhD researcher, I was a research associate in Dr. François Leduc-Primeau's lab.

2015 – 2018

Naghshe-Aval-Keyfiat (NAK) affiliate Mobile Company of Iran (MCI)

RF planner and optimizer

Tehran, Iran

I began my career with the planning team, focusing on 3G and LTE. I became familiar with network optimization during my planning tasks. Due to my academic background and experience in network planning, I was able to join the Tehran project's network optimization team. In the beginning, I was a BSC owner, then I became a RNC owner of Tehran's network.

2013 – 2014

11th nathionwide Robotics competition


Babol, Iran

I was honored to be Vice-president of nationwide Robatics competition.


Journal Papers

Conference Papers


Licenses & Certifications




4th IVADO/MILA school in Deep Learning



Deep Learning with Pytorch



LTE Optimization of Radio Netwrok (3GPP)

TECHCOM Consulting GmbH


LTE Counter and KPI (Ericsson)

TECHCOM Consulting GmbH


LTE Radio Network Planning

TECHCOM Consulting GmbH










MS office  


Java   Script  




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